This is a link back to the how it works page of the DataManage website

1. Getting ready with DataManage - Video transcription

Welcome to DataManage.
This is the Login Page.
At the top right you can find the language button.
By clicking on it, you will see at the centre of the page some language options.
In this case English and Norwegian.
For this video we are going to select English.
Now, back to the login page, we have two options:
To register with my ID, a Norwegian option, or to sign in.
We are going to first register, since we do not have a user yet.
To register with my ID, you can click on the «register with my ID» button in the middle of the screen.
A list of options will appear.
Select your preferred option to log in.
Once registered you will be directed to the main page.
Now, let’s sign out by clicking on the «sign out»-button in the top left corner.
Underneath the «register with myID» button, you can find the «sign in» button.
If you click this button you will get two options underneath.
To sign in with your personal code or your finger print.
If you click on «personal code» you can type in your personal code to log in.
Or you can click on the finger print button to use your finger print instead.